in English (classified)
These papers have been published in the following countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Byelorussia, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Indonesia, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Turkey, the USA, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, and United Kingdom (23)
A. Books, text-books and dictionaries
- AAA PANASENKO N.I. Nontraditional Medicine and Wonderful World of Plants in the Eyes of the Scholar, or Dissertation on the Topic… (in Russian), Kiev: Geneza, 2005. – 246 p. ISBN 966-504-442-7
- ACA PANASENKO N.I. Nomina Anatomica. A Dictionary of Anatomic Terms. (in Russian), St. Petersburg: Foliant, 2006. – 126 p. ISBN 5-93929-124-4
- ACA IVAN S. CHEKMAN, NADIYA O. GORCHAKOVA, NATALIYA I. PANASENKO, PETRO O. BECH. Pharmacology. – Vinnitsya: NOVA KNYHA Publishers, 2006. – 384 p. ISBN 966-382-026-8. Recommended by Central Office for Higher Medical Education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Report №3, 15.06.2006) as a text book for students of higher medical institutions of the 4th level of accreditation with English as the language of instruction.
- AAA TOPOROV G.N., PANASENKO N.I. The Dictionary of Clinical Anatomy Terms. – Мoscow: Public corporation «Publishing House ‘Меditsina’», 2008. – 464 p. ISBN 5-225-02707-5.
- AAA PANASENKO N. Phytonymic lexis in the system of Romance, Germanic and Slavic languages (onomasiological and cognitive analysis). (in Russian) – Cherkassy: Brama-Ukrayina, 2010. – 452 p. ISBN 978-966-453-070-2
- ABB DAVYDYUK, Yu., PANASENKO, N. Figuring the male and female: fire and water in Bradbury’s (science) fiction // Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow. The Journal of University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open, 2016, vol. 1 (1), June 2016. p. 4-74. DOI: 10.1515/lart-2016-0001 ISSN 2453-8035
- ABB Panasenko, N., Morozova O., Gałkowski, A., Krajčovič, P., Kryachkov, D., Petlyuchenko, N., Samokhina, V., Stashko, H. & Uberman, A. (2020). COVID-19 as a media-cum-language event: Cognitive, communicative, and cross-cultural aspects. In Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow. The journal of University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Trnava: University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2020, V (2), December 2020, p. 122-210. ISSN 2453-8035
- AAA Panasenko, N., Greguš, Ľ. Media text in the mirror of linguistics. 1st Prague: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2022, 166 p. ISBN 978-80-7676-514-6 (pdf)
B. Articles and chapters in collective monographs
- ABA PANASENKO N.I. Some aspects of literary space and time (in Russian), in: With love to language. Scholarly Papers. Dedicated toYe.S. Kubriakova.–Moscow-Voronezh: Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002. – p.151-162. ISBN 5-9273-0257-2
- ABA PANASENKO N.I. Structural-semantic analysis of phytomyns in French, German and English (in Russian), in: Units and categories of modern linguistics / Scholarly papers dedicated to the jubilee of Volodymyr Dmytrovich Kaliuschenko. – Donetsk: «Yugo-Vostok», Ltd, 2007, p. 132-144.ISBN 978-966-374-165-9
- ABA PANASENKO N.I. Lexico-semantic field of phytonymic vocabulary in Slavic languages (in Russian), in: Borders of languages and cultures / Scholarly papers dedicated to the jubilee ofМ.О. Lutsenko. – Donetsk: Donetsk National University, Donetsk, 2007, p. 35-43.
- AEC PANASENKON.I. Lexico-semantic group «transport means» from linguo-cultural point of view // Lančarič D. (ed.) Linguistics and Didactics in the 21st Century. Trends, Analyses and Prognoses 1. – Praha: Kemberg Publishing, s.r.o., 2008. – P. 153-167.ISBN 978-80-87168-08-0
- AEE PANASENKON.I.System of nontraditional medicine in the folklore of the British isles (linguocognitive aspect) // Horizons of modern linguistics: traditions and innovations. Collected articles in honour of Ye.S. Kubriakova. – Мoscow: Yazyki slavianskikh kultur, 2009. – p. 820-832. ISBN 978-5-9551-0314-3
- AEC PANASENKO N. «Magic» plants from cognitive and cultural point of view // Interdisciplinary aspects of language study / Daniel Lančarič (ed.). – 1 vyd. – Praha-Davle: Kernberg Publishing, 2012. – p. 48-57. ISSN 978-80-87168-18-9
- AEC PANASENKO N, DÉMUTHOVÁ S., RUČKOVÁ G., VAREČKOVÁ L. Cross-cultural study of love evaluation and display by Slovaks and Czechs // Humanities across the Borders: [collection of papers / editors-in-chief O.L. Byessonova, N.I. Panasenko]. – Donetsk-Trnava: DonNU, 2012. – p. 253-282. ISBN 978-966-639-526-2
- AEC SORIANO C., FONTAINE J.R., SCHERER K.R., PANASENKO N. et al. Cross-cultural data collection with the GRID instrument // Components of Emotional Meaning. A sourcebook. Edited by Johnny J. R. Fontaine, Klaus R. Scherer and Cristina Soriano. Series in Affective Science. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. – p. 98-105. ISBN 978-0-19-959274-6
- AEC OGARKOVA A., PANASENKO N., LEWANDOWSKA-TOMASZCZYK B. Language family similarity effect: Emotion term semantics in Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, and Polish // Components of Emotional Meaning. A sourcebook. Edited by Johnny J. R. Fontaine, Klaus R. Scherer and Cristina Soriano. Series in Affective Science. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. – p. 502-506. ISBN 978-0-19-959274-6
- AEC PANASENKO N. Song discourse in cultural-historical and gender aspect // Person and his Discourse – 4: Collective monograph / M.R. Zheltukhina (Ed.), VSSPU, IL RAS. – Moscow: IL RAS, LLC «PC «Azbukovnik», 2014. – p. 296-302. ISBN 978-5-9906022-0-5
- BEE PANASENKO N. Metaphoric designation of poisonous medicinal plants in Romance, Germanic and Slavic languages // Literature, language and culture influenced by globalization: Monograph, Volume 6/ ed. by L. Shlossman. – Vienna: «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, 2015. – p. 44-55. lSBN-13 978-3-903063-30-3 ISBN-10 3-903063-30-4
- BEE Panasenko N. Global text categories in poetic images of th eworld (basedon Ukrainian, Mongolian, and Vietnamese) // Здобутки та перспективи розвитку сучасного мовознавства: Міжнар. зб. наук, пр., присвяч. 70-річ. ювіл. проф. Алли Андріївни Калити. – К.: Вид-во «Політехніка», 2015. – с. 99-108 ISBN 978-966-622-727-3
- Panasenko N. Metaphoric and metonymic designation of poisonous medicinal plants // Text – Sentence – Word. Studies in English Linguistics. Vol. II. Agnieszka Uberman, Teodor Hrehovcik (eds.). – Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016. – p. 64-74. ISBN 978-83-7996-313-3
- PANASENKO N. National images of the world in poetic translation (based on Russian, Mongolian, Hindi, and Bengali) // Methodological fundamentals of cognition and communication studies in contemporary linguistics: the collection of scientific articles in honor of Larissa Alexandrovna Manerko / by V.A. Bogoroditskaya, A.A. Sharapkova. – Moscow: MAKS Press, 2017. – p. 159-165. ISBN 978-55-317-17-05634-6
- AEC Panasenko, N., Kryachkov, D. Some text categories in media communication. In Text – Sentence – Word. Studies in English Linguistics. IV. Uberman, A., Trinder, A. (eds.). Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020. – p. 85-97. ISBN 978-83-7996-839-8
- AEC Panasenko, N. Culturological component in medicinal plants’ names. In Language, culture, creativity: World practices of studying. Collection of research papers to the 90th anniversary of Prof. V.N. Teliya. I.V. Zykova & Krasnykh V.V. (eds.). Moscow: Gnosis, p. 661-672. ISBN 978-5-94244-074-9
- ABC Panasenko, N. Cognitive linguistics and phytonymic lexicon // The Routledge handbook of cognitive linguistics. Wen, X. & Taylor, J.R. New York: Routledge, 2021, p. 585-598. ISBN 978-1-138-49071-0
- ABC Panasenko, N., Stashko, H. & Zabuzhanska, I. (2023). Love and rhythm in poetry and music. In Language and emotion. Vol. 3. Lenore Schiewer, G.S., Altarriba, J. & Ng, B.Ch. (eds.). Berlin – Boston: Walter de Gruyter, р. 1529-1558. ISBN 978-3-11-079541-7
C. Articles in scientific journals, newsletters, etc.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I., KRIVONOVSKA, L.L. Intonational and grammatical means of expressing modal meanings of assurance/ uncertainty in direct speech (in Ukrainian), in: Foreign Philology, № 72, L’viv, 1983, p. 56-64. ISSN 0320-2372
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Teaching speech intonation on the basis of musical one at the lessons in practical phonetics (in Ukrainian), in: Methodology of teaching foreign languages, № 12, Kiev, 1983, p. 66-70. ISSN 0321-1169
- ADEPANASENKO N.I. Rhythm as one of the means of expressing subjective modality in English poetry and music (in Russian), in: Interaction of segmental structure and text prosody, Kiev: Kiev State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, 1986, p. 127-130.
- AEC LESOVOY A.S., PANASENKO N.I., LUKYANCHUK, V.V. Social and medical aspects of healing alcohol addiction (in Russian), in: Philosophical questions of medicine and biology. № 20, Kiev, 1988, p. 140-143. ISBN 5-311-00148-8
- ADE PANASENKO N.I. Structural, semantic, accentual and rhythmic peculiarities of medicinal plants’ names (in Russian), in: Learning dynamic aspect of segmental and suprasegmental elements of the text, which sounds, Kiev: Kiev State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, 1988, p. 59-60.
- ADE CHEKMAN, I.S., PANASENKO N.I. Non-traditional medicine – past, present, perspectives of investigation (in Ukrainian), in: Pharmacological journal, №6, Kiev, 1990, p. 10-15. ISSN 0367-3057
- ADE CHEKMAN, I.S., PANASENKO N.I. Folk medicine: past and future (in Ukrainian), in: Journal of the Ukrainian Medical Association of North America, vol. XXXIX, № 3 (128), Chicago, 1992, p.48-49. ISSN 0041607X
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Culturological space of English phytonyms (in Russian), in: Collection of scientific papers № 400, Moscow: Moscow State Linguistic University,1992, p. 124-131.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Structure of knowledge presentation in the nominative space of phytonyms (in Russian), in: Collection of scientific works, №429, Moscow: Moscow State Linguistic University, 1994, p. 76-83.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Phytonyms, morphology and folklore (in Russian), in: Mythology. Folklore. Literature. Cherkasy: Cherkasy State Pedagogical Institute, 1994, p. 106-110.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Some peculiarities of vocabulary onomasiological analysis (in Russian), in: Linguistic sketches, Cherkasy: Siyach, 1995, p. 20-27. ISBN 5-7707-8935-2
- AEC PANASENKO N.I., GOUMENYUK, A.V. The notion of frame as a means of knowledge representation in linguistics and computer science (in Russian), in: Problems of Business. Collection of scientific papers. Cherkasy: Cherkasy Institute of Business Management, 1995, p. 61-67. ISBN 5-7763-9318-3
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Developing pronunciation skills of adults and professionals. in: IATEFL-Ukraine, Newsletter, Issue № 6, 1996, p. 34-36
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Concept of form in phytonyms’ semantics (in Russian), in: Collection of scientific papers, Vol.3. Cherkasy: Cherkasy State University, 1997, p.69-74.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. British studies in the language classroom in: English in t e 21st century Ukraine. Kharkiv: Kharkiv State Un-ty. School of foreign languages, 1997, p. 86-88.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Category of locus in phytonyms’ semantics (in Russian), in: Linguistic sketches, vol. 2, Cherkasy: Siyach, 1997, p. 12-19.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I., SAL’NYKOVA O. American Folk Songs in the Language Classroom іn: IATEFL-Ukraine Newsletter, Issue №13, vol. I, 1998, p. 18-19.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. The channel of smell in the medicinal plants’ names (in Ukrainian), in: Humanitarian Newsletter. Foreign linguistics, part 1. Problems of contemporary linguistics, Cherkasy (Cherkasy Technological Institute), 1998, p. 157-164.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Metaphor in phytonyms‘ semantics (in Russian), in: Linguistic sketches, vol. 3, Cherkasy: Brama-ISUEP, 1999, p. 35-44. ISBN966-95675-6-4
- AEC US M., PANASENKO N.I., US K. The phonetic component of a student’s model of a personalized tutor adaptation in distance learning(in Ukrainian), in: Modeling and informational technologies. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of modeling problems in energetics. Collection of scientific papers, vol. 2, Kyiv, 1999, p. 24-29.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Onomasiological feature of possessivity in the medicinal plants’ names (in Ukrainian), in: Humanitarian Newsletter. Foreign linguistics, part 1. Problems of contemporary linguistics, Cherkasy: Cherkasy Technological Institute, 1999, p. 129-134.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Medicinal plants’ names in the context of case grammar (in Russian), in: Actual problems of mentalinguistics. Scientific papers, Kiev-Cherkasy, 1999, p. 26-28. ISВN 966-7573-06-0
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. A Ukrainian and American folk love song: two worlds – two destinies (in Russian), in: A scientific paper «Language and culture», Issue 2, vol.1, Kyiv: Dmytro Burago Publishing House, 2000, p. 107-115. ISВN 966-7825-08-6
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Common picture of functioning medicinal plants’ names in Romance, Germanic and Slavonic languages (in Russian), in: Scientific papers of Kirovograd State Pedagogical Un-ty, Issue 22, part 2, Kirovograd, 2000, p. 117-125.ISBN 966-7401-43-X
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Category of possessiveness in the semantics of phytonyms-mythologisms and bibleїsms (in Russian), in: Communication theory. Language meaning. Scientific papers. / Ed. Z.A. Kharitonchik. – Minsk: MSLU, 2000. – p. 76-82.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Cultural and nominative space of phytonyms (in Russian), in: A scientific paper «Language and culture», Issue 1, vol. 2, Kyiv: Dmytro Burago Publishing House, 2000, p. 148-154. ISВN 966-7825-02-7
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Cultural concepts in medicinal plants’ names (in Russian), in: A scientific paper «Language and culture», Kyiv:(Dmytro Burago Publishing House, Issue 3, vol. 2, 2001, p. 152-157. ISВN 966-7825-27-2
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Emotive and expressive features in medicinal plants’ names (in Ukrainian), in: Scientific papers of Ternopil State Pedagogical University named after V. Gnatyuk, Linguistics, № 1, 2001, p. 55-59.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Onomasiological features of outlook in medicinal plants’ names (in Ukrainian), in: Humanitarian Newsletter. Foreign linguistics, Issue 5, Cherkasy: Cherkasy Technological Institute, 2001, p. 188-190.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I., TSEPKO, T.A. Intonational means of expressing subjective modality in American popular love songs (in Ukrainian), in: Humanitarian Newsletter. Foreign linguistics, Issue five, Cherkasy: Cherkasy Technological Institute, 2001, p. 191-193.
- AEC US M., PANASENKO N.I., US K. Phonetic aspect of personalized tutor’s adaptation in distance learning (in Ukrainian), in: Education and management, 2000 (2001), vol.4, #1-2, p. 149-152.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Perspective trends in modern phonetics (in Ukrainian), in: Scholarly papers of Donetsk Un-ty, Series B Humanities, Donetsk, 2001, №2, p. 135-143.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Some aspects of image world conception in a facetious Ukrainian folk song (in Russian), in: A scientific paper «Language and culture», Kyiv, Dmytro Burago Publishing House, 2002, iss. 4, vol. IV, part 2. p. 69-77. ISВN 966-7825-44-2
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Cognitive aspect of phytonyms’s semantics in Romance, Germanic and Slavonic languages (in Ukrainian), in: Typology of language meanings in diachronical and comparative aspects. Scholarly papers of Donetsk National University, iss. 5,Donetsk, 2002,p. 134-142.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I., SAZANOVICH L.V. Frame analysis of American popular songs (in Ukrainian), in: Humanitarian Newsletter. Foreign linguistics, iss. 6, Cherkasy: CherkasyTechnological Institute, 2002, p. 174-176.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Phytonyms‘ predicates (in Ukrainian), in: Humanitarian Newsletter. Foreign linguistics, iss. 6, Cherkasy: Cherkasy Technological Institute, 2002, p. 172-173.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Dialogue of cultures: comparative analysis of facetious American, Russian and Ukrainian songs (in Russian), in: Scholarly papers of Tavrichesky National Un-ty, named after V.I. Vernadsky, vol. 15 (54), №1, Philology, Simferopol, 2002, p. 90-94. ISSN 1606-3715
- ADE PANASENKO N.I., DMYTRIYEV Ya.F. Stylistic peculiarities of vocabulary in the texts of facetious American songs (in Russian), in: Nova philologiya, № 1 (12), Zaporizhzhia: Zaporizhzhia State Un-ty, 2002, p. 143-149.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Category of colour phytonyms‘ semantics (in Romance, Germanic and Slavonic languages) (in Russian), in: Typology of language meanings in diachronical and comparative aspects. Scholarly papers of Donetsk National University, iss. 6,Donetsk, 2002,p. 76-80.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Models of a facetious song plot development (in Russian), in: Linguistic sketches, Iss. No 4. Cherkasy: Cherkasy State Un-ty, 2002. p. 40-52. ISВN 966-7986-32-233-45.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Gender strategies of American song discourse (linguistic and cultural aspects) (in Ukrainian), in: Language and conceptual images of the world. ScholarlyPapers. №7. Kiev, T. Shevchenko Un-ty. Institute of Philology, 2002. p. 414-421.ISBN 966-581-388-9
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Category of literary time in prosaic, poetic and musical texts (in Russian), in: A scientific paper «Language and culture», Kyiv: Dmytro Burago Publishing House, 2002, iss.5, vol.I, part 2. p. 120-130.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Prosodic characteristics of category of modality in poetic texts, in: Humanitarian Newsletter. Foreign linguistics, iss. 7. Cherkasy: Cherkasy Institute of Technology, 2003. p.172-173.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Evaluation in medicinal plants’ names (in Ukrainian), in: Linguistic research. Scholarly Papers. №2. Horlivka: GSPIFL PublishingHouse, 2003, p. 17-28. ISBN 966-8469-05-4
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Metonymy in medicinal plants’ names (in Russian), in: State and Regiones. Series: Humanitarian Sciences. Scholarly paper. 2003. № 1. Dnipropetrovsk: Science and Education, 2003. p. 111-115.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Tonal characteristics of Ukrainian and American folk love songs (in Ukrainian), in: Scholarly papers of Prikarpatsky un-ty. Philology. Iss. 7. Ivano-Frankivsk: Plaj, 2003. p. 28-34.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Peculiarities of plot structure of English folk and literary fairytale (in Russian), in: Typology of language meanings in diachronical and comparative aspects. Scholarly papers of Donetsk National University, iss. 8,Donetsk, 2003,p. 89-98. ISBN 966-639-030-2
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Tonal characteristics of Ukrainian and American folk love songs (in Ukrainian), in: Language and conceptual images of the world. ScholarlyPapers. № 10. Kiev, T. Shevchenko Un-ty. Institute of Philology, 2004. p. 493-500. ISBN 966-581-481-8
- AEC PANASENKO N.I., L.V. SHVYDKA and SOLTYKJu.V. Plot, structure and syntactic composition of the literary fairytales text (on the material of fairytales by O. Wilde and the Grimms brothers) (in Russian), in: Linguistic research. ScholarlyPapers. №4. Gorlivka: GSPIFLPublishingHouse, 2004. p. 142-159.ISBN 966-8469-24-0
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Feminine character in a song text: its evolution and evaluation (in Ukrainian), in: HumanitarianNewsletter. Foreignlinguistics, iss. 8. Cherkasy: CherkasyInstitute of Technology, 2004. p. 116-119.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I., HUDYMENKOS. Category of literary time in the creative work of Ray Bradbury (in Ukrainian), in: Scholarly papers of Zhitomir Pedagogical University. Iss. 15. Zhitomir, 2004. p. 115-118.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Peculiarities of onomasiological structure of medicinal plants-shrubs in the languages with different structure (in Russian), in: Studia Germanica et Romanica. Foreignlanguages. Foreignliterature. Methods of teaching. Scholarly papers of Donetsk National University, iss. 1, No 1. Donetsk, 2004,p. 67-83.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Stylistic peculiarities of Scottish folk tales texts (in Russian), in: Scholarly papers of Lugansk Pedagogical University. №2 (82) February. 2005. p. 128-133.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Peculiarities of translation of Ukrainian folk songs into English (in Russian), in: Scholarly papers «Sumy state university newsletter». Series «Philology». №6 (78), 2005. Sumy, 2005. p. 88-94.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Diminutives in the medicinal plants’names (in Russian), in:Scholarly papers of Lugansk Pedagogical University. Philological sciences. 2005. №15 (95). p. І. p. 161-169.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Onomasiological feature of size in the medicinal plants’ names (in Russian), in: A scientific paper «Language and culture», Kyiv: Dmytro Burago Publishing House, 2005, iss.8, vol.V, part 1. p. 51-55.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Display of Christian perception of the world by Slavs in the medicinal plants’ names (in Russian), in: Scholarly papers of Lugansk Pedagogical University. Philological sciences. №11 (106) July. 2006. p. 94-102.
- AEC PANASENKON.I.Cultural aspect and stages of a man’s cognitive activity in phytonymic lexicon, in: Scholarly papers of Lugansk Pedagogical University. Philological sciences. 2006. №14 (109) August. p. 41-48.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Field approach to the analysis of phytonymic lexis (in Russian), in: A scientific paper «Language and culture», Kyiv: Dmytro Burago Publishing House, 2007, iss.9, vol. VI (94). National languages and cultures in their specific character and interaction, p. 14-19.
- ADE PANASENKO N.I., VLNKA J. Poetic text in the mirror of culturology (based on Russian and Slovak poetry of 19-20 cc.), (inRussian), in:Scholarly papers of Lugansk Pedagogical University. Philological sciences. №13 (152) July. 2008. p. 215-224.
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. Text interpretation from the teacher’s and students’ point of view, in: The Selection of Research Papers. Issue 6. Horlivka-Trnava, Horlivka State pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, The University of SS Cyril and Metodius in Trnava, 2008. p. 63-74. ISSN 1992-920-X
- AEC PANASENKO N.I. All-round literary text analysis (lexical, stylistic, phonetic and gender aspects) (in Russian), in: Typology of language meanings in diachronical and comparative aspects. Scholarly papers of Donetsk National University, iss. 18. Donetsk: Donetsk National Un-ty, 2008,p. 110-122.
- ADE PANASENKON.I., DMYTRIYEV Ya.F. Cultural approach to American song folklore classification, (in Russian), in: Scholarly papers of Lugansk Pedagogical University. Philological sciences. 2008. №24 (109)December. p. 168-183.
- ADE PANASENKO N.I. Contrastive analysis of metaphor in phytonymic lexicon (in Russian), in: Novaphilologiya. Collection of Scholarly papers. Zaporizhzhia:Zaporizhzhia NationalUn-ty, 2009, № 36, p. 128-135.
- ADE PANASENKO N.I. English botanical vocabulary as the source of metaphors and phraseologisms (in Ukrainian), in: Scholarly papers of Zhitomir State I. Franko University. Iss. 45. Zhitomir, 2009. p. 39-43.
- ADE PANASENKON.I. Linguistic and extralinguistic means of expressing feelings and emotions in languages with different structures (in Russian), in: Studia Germanica et Romanica. Foreign languages. Foreign literature. Methods of teaching. Scholarly papers of Donetsk National University, iss. 6,No 1 (16). Donetsk, 2009,p. 89-108.
- ADE PANASENKO N.I.Category as a human cognitive means of thought and its reflection in phytonymics (in Russian), in: Studia Germanica et Romanica. Foreign languages. Foreign literature. Methods of teaching. Scholarly papers of Donetsk National University, iss. 7,No 2 (17). – Donetsk, 2009,p. 107-120.ISSN 2075-42-05
- AED PANASENKO N.I. Interrelations between Literary Time and Space in Prosaic Texts, in: Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Translantic World. Milan Ferenčík, Juraj Horváth (eds.). Prešov: Institute of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Prešov; 2009. p. 91-108. ISBN 978-80-555-0030-0
- AED PANASENKO N. Cognitive aspect of delivering lectures in English, in: Philologica LXV. Zborník Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského, 2010. p. 163-170. ISBN 978-80-223-2894-4
- ADEPANASENKON.I.Contrastive analysis of Ukrainian and American song folklore(inRussian), in: Novaphilologiya. Collection of Scholarly papers. Zaporizhzhia:Zaporizhzhia NationalUn-ty, 2010, № 43. p. 197-203.
- ADE PANASENKO N.I. Temporal nominators in a poetic text (in Russian), in: Studia Germanica et Romanica. Foreign languages. Foreign literature. Methods of teaching. Scholarly papers of Donetsk National University, iss. 7, No 2 (20). Donetsk, 2010, p. 125-148. ISSN 2075-4205
- AEC PANASENKON.I.Category of time in medicinal plants’ names (based on Romance, Germanic and Slavic languages) (in Russian), in: Typology of language meanings in diachronical and comparative aspects. Scholarly papers of Donetsk National University, iss. 22. Donetsk: Donetsk National Un-ty, 2010,p. 23-31. ISSN 2075-2970110-122.
- BDE PANASENKO N.I. Peculiarities of size identification in phytonymic lexicon (in Russian), in: Nova philologiya. Collection of Scholarly papers. Zaporizhzhia: Zaporizhzhia National Un-ty, 2011, № 45. p. 107-110.
- BDE PANASENKO N.I. Medicinal plants’ names as lexico-semantic group, field and category (in Russian), in: Scholarly newsletter of Southern-Ukrainian national pedagogical un-ty named after K.D. Ushinsky. Linguistics. Collection of Scholarly papers. №12. Odessa: «Astroprint», 2011. p. 132-141.
- BEC PANASENKO N., BAATARKHUU N. Poetic translation from linguocultural point of view, in: Problems of comparative semantics. (in Russian), in: Iss. 10. Ed. Коroliova А.V. – Кiev: Publishing centre of KNLU, 2011. p. 353-358.
- AED PANASENKON., ZOLICHOVÁ M. Cognitive Approach to the Text Analysis of British Fairy Tales, in:Identity in intercultural communication. Slovak Studies in English III. Bratislava: ŠEVT, a.s., 2011, p.109-126. ISBN 978-80-8106-047-2
- ADE PANASENKO N.I. Onomasiological aspect of medicinal plants’ names in Slavic languages (in Russian), in: Scholarly papers of Tavrichesky National Un-ty, named after V.I. Vernadsky, vol. 24 (63). № 2. P 3. Series «Philology. Socialcommunications». Simferopol, 2011. p. 388-393. ISSN 1606-3716
- ADE PANASENKO N.I. Structural-semantic analysis of Slavic phytonyms (in Russian), in: Studia Germanica et Romanica. Foreign languages. Foreign literature. Methods of teaching. Scholarly papers of Donetsk National University, iss. 8, No 1 (22). Donetsk, 2011,p. 85-92. ISSN 2075-4205
- AEC PANASENKO N., KORCOVÁ Z. Different approaches to colour terms analysis, in: Typology of language meanings in diachronical and comparative aspects. Scholarly papers of Donetsk National University, iss. 23. Donetsk: Donetsk National Un-ty, 2011,p. 124-134.ISSN 2075-2970.
- AEE PANASENKO N.I. Temporal structure of the poetic text (based on Russian, Ukrainian and Slovak poetry of the 19th-20th centuries) (inRussian), in: Horizons of modern philology: Scholarly papers. Iss. 2. Luhansk: Luhansky state institute of culture and arts, 2011. p. 124-140. ISSN 2078-4007
- ADE PANASENKO N. Linguistic markers of emotional concept Love in literary texts, in: US-China Foreign Language. April 2012, Vol. 10, No. 4, p. 1067-1084. ISSN 1539-8080 (in hard copy), ISSNB 1935-9667 (online).
- ADE PANASENKO N. Direct and Indirect Designation in Medicinal Plants’ Names, in: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol. 2 No. 18; October 2012. p. 217-233. ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online)
- AED PANASENKO N. Onomasiological models from conceptual point of view, in: Jazykovedné, literárnovedné a didaktické kolokvium XVIII. Linguistic, Literary and Didactic Colloquium XVIII. Zostavil/Editor: doc. PhDr. Daniel Lančarič, PhD, mim. prof. Bratislava: Z-F LINGUA, 2012. p. 59-69. CD ROM. ISBN:978-80-89328-80-2. EAN:97880893287802
- AED PANASENKO N. Tactile information-processing channel in the plants names, in: Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Prešoviensis. Jazykovedný zborník 41. Language, literature and culture in a changing transatlantic world II (PART I: Linguistics, Translation and Cultural Studies). Milan Ferenčik, Klaudia Bednarova-Gibova (eds.). Prešov: Filozoficka fakulta Prešovskej university, 2012. p. 128-153. ISBN 978-80-555-0705-7
- ADM PANASENKO N. Czech and Slovak family patterns and family values in historical, social and cultural context, in: Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Volume XXXIV, Number 1, January-February 2013. Alberta: Un-ty of Calgary. p. 79-98. ISSN # 0047 – 2328
- ADE PANASENKO N., ŠESTÁKOVÁМ. Biblical motifs and allusions in short stories by Ray Bradbury // International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol. 3 No. 11; June 2013. – p. 191-211. ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online)
- AEC PANASENKO N. Topophone in the works of Ray Bradbury (in Russian), in: Scholarly papers. – Iss117. –Series: Philological sciences (linguistics): Kirovograd: Kirovograd state pedagogical un-ty named after V. Vinnichenko. – 2013. – p. 115-119. ISBN 966-8089-24-3
- ADE PANASENKO N., ŠESTÁKOVÁ М. Biblical motifs and allusions in short stories by Ray Bradbury // International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. USA. Vol. 3 No. 11; June 2013. – p. 191-211. ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online)
- ADE PANASENKO N. Melodic component as the means of expressing emotions and feelings in Ukrainian and American folk love songs // International Journal of Arts and Commerce. Centre for Enhancing Knowledge, UK. Vol. 2, No 7, July, 2013. – p. 142-154. ISSN 1929-7106
- ADM PANASENKO N. The role of syntactic stylistic means in expressing the emotion term LOVE // Research in Language. The Journal of University of Lodz. Berlin: Walter De Gruyter, 2013, vol. 11:3 (Sep 2013). – p. 277-293. DOI 10.2478/v10015-012-0016-6 ISSN: 2083-4616
- ADE PANASENKO N. Semantic structure of literary text // International English Studies Journal. Studia Anglica Resoviensia. Volume 10. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013. – 38-50. ISSN 1643-0484 ISSN 1898-8709
- ADM PANASENKO N. Reflection of the Naïve Christian Worldview in Romance, Germanic and Slavic Phytonymic Lexicon // European Journal of Science and Theology, August 2014, Vol. 10, No. 4. – p. 167-183. ISSN 1841-0464
- ADE PANASENKO N. Musical and linguistic means of creating images in traditional and popular American songs // Review of Arts and Humanities. Published by American Research Institute for Policy Development. March 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 23-43 ISSN: 2334-2927 (Print), 2334-2935 (Online)
- ADE PANASENKO N.I., VAREČKOVÁ Ľ., RUČKOVÁ Means of stylistic morphology in Russian, Ukrainian and Slovak folk songs, (in Russian), in: Research result. Theoretical and applied linguistics series. Online scholarly peer-reviewed journal. Volume 1, No. 2 (2), 2014. – p. 120-130. Founded by: Belgorod State University. ISSN 2408-9346
- ADE PANASENKO N.I. Proper names in medicinal plants (onomasiological approach), (in Russian), in: Philological studies: Collection of scholarly papers / – Iss. Philology and medicine // V.V. Fiedorov (ed.-in-chief). – Kiev: Dmytro Burago Publishing House, 2014 (2011). – p. 219-236. ISSN 1812-5743
- ADE PANASENKO N. Semantic roles in poisonous medicinal plant names // The Way of Science, Institute Science. International scientific journal, № 5 (15), 2015. – p. 77-80. ISSN 2311-2158
- ADM PANASENKO, N., GROCHALOVÁ, P., GROCHALOVÁ, L. ‘War’ as a piece of hard news in British and Slovak media // European Journal of Science and Theology, December 2017, vol. 13, No 6, p. 87-100. ISSN 1841-0464
- ADM PANASENKO N., GROCHALOVÁ P., GROCHALOVÁ L. Topic ‘wedding’ in British and Slovak journalism of emotional type // European Journal of Science and Theology, June 2018, v 14, No 3, p. 63-75. ISSN 1841-0464
- ADN PANASENKO, N. Where, why, and how? Topophones in Ray Bradbury’s science fiction. In Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow. The journal of University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open, 2018, III (1), June 2018, p. 223-273. DOI: 2478/lart-2018-0007 ISSN 2453-8035
- ADN PANASENKO, N., GREGUŠ, Ľ. & ZABUZHANSKA, I. (2018). Conflict, confrontation, and war reflected in mass media: Semantic wars, their victors and victims. In Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow. The journal of University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Warsaw: De Gruyter Poland, 2018, III (2), December 2018, p. 132-163. DOI: 10.2478/lart-2018-0017 ISSN 2453-8035
- PANASENKO, N. Colour terms in Sudden fiction // Philological sciences in MGIMO: Journal. № 3 (19) 2019. Мoscow: MGIMO-University, 2019, p. 131-138. ISSN 2410-2423
- PANASENKO, N. Slovak song folklore: linguoculturological approach // European Journal of Arts. Scientific journal. Vienna: Premier Publishing, № 3, 2019. – p. 26-31. ISSN 2310-5666
- PANASENKO, N. Evaluative component in Slavic phytonyms. // The Way of Science. International scientific journal, № 11 (69), 2019, p. 104-108. ISSN 2311-2158
- ADN Panasenko, N. Colourful mosaic of images and characters in the works of Iris Murdoch. In Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow. The journal of University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Trnava: University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2020, V (1), June 2020, p. 185-227. ISSN 2453-8035
- ADN Pravdová, H., Hudíková, Z. & Panasenko, N. Homo corporalis as the communicated muse and centrepiece of commercialized culture, In European Journal of Media, Art & Photography, 8 (1), p. 68-81. ISSN 1339-4940
- ADE Panasenko N. Reasoning as a functional-semantic type of speech in literary and media texts (on the material of the English language), in Russian // The Way of Science. International scientific journal, № 7 (77), 2020. – p. 31-40. ISSN 2311-2158
- ADM Panasenko, N., Pravdova, H., & Kryachkov, D. (2020). Category of Modality in Belles-lettres and Journalistic Styles. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 9 (3), p. 197-208. doi: ISSN: 2147-0626
- ADN Panasenko, N., Krajčovič, P. & Stashko, H. Hard news revisited: a case study of various approaches to the incident at the primary school reflected in the media / Communication today, Vol. 12, Iss. 1, 2021, p. 112-128.
- ADM Panasenko, N. Information processing channels in phytonymic lexicon // Tomsk State University Journal of Philology, # 71, 2021, p. 133-151. / ISSN 1998-6645
- ADE Mudrochová R., Panasenko N. Metaphors in food advertisements text. In: Young Scholars Journal. Scientific journal, № 4-5, 2021, p. 50-53 ISSN 2519-9331
- Petlyuchenko, N., Petranová, D., Stashko, H. & Panasenko, N. (2021). Toxicity phenomenon in German and Slovak media: Contrastive perspective. In Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow. The journal of University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Trnava: University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2021, VI (2), December 2021, p. 105-164. ISSN 2453-8035
- Kunich, Z., Muzykant, V.L. & Panasenko, N. (2022). Formational features of the image of Russia on the Serbian Media Platforms. RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism, 27 (1), 171–188. (In Russ.) 171-188 (in Russian)
- Panasenko, N., Balcerčíková, M. The reflection of the Ten Commandments in the artistic world model. In European Journal of Science and Theology, October 2022, Vol. 18, No. 5, p. 133-151.
- ADE Panasenko, N. & Petrovičová, I. (2022). COVID-19 reflected in emotional journalistic texts. In International English studies journal. 19. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, p. 65-77. ISSN 1898-8709 (on-line); ISSN 1641-7666 (print) DOI: 10.15584/sar
- Panasenko, N. & Fillová, T. (2023). The role of colour in successful fundraising In Economics, business and organization research, 5 (1), p. 65-87. e-ISSN: 2687-5942
- Panasenko, N. (2023). Diminutives in phytonymic lexis. In SKASE journal of theoretical linguistics [online], 20 (3), p. 38-55. Available at: ISSN 1336-782X
- Panasenko, N. (2023). The essence of onomasiological bases and their types in phytonymic lexicon. In Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow. Trnava: University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, VIII (2), p. 35-52. ISSN 2453-8035 DOI:
D. Scholarly Papers and Conference Presentations:
- AFC PANASENKO N.I. Cognitive aspects of phytonyms in Slavonic languages(in Ukrainian), in: Papers of scientific conference «Problems of comparative semantics», Kyiv- Cherkasy, 1992, p. 68-70.
- AFC PANASENKO N.I. Functional-semantic fields of temporality and aspectuality of phytonyms (in Russian), in: Papers of «Functional Linguistics»,Part 1, Simferopol (Sonat), 1994, p. 75-76.
- AFC PANASENKON.I. Frame model as a structure of knowledge presentation (in Russian), in: Abstracts of international symposium «A Man: Language. Cognition. Communication», Kryvyj Rig, 1995, p. 450-451.
- AFC PANASENKO N.I. Category of form in the verbal realization (on the material of the medicinal plants’ names) (in Russian), in: Language categorization (parts of speech, word building, designation theory. Papers of round table discussions in honor of Ye.S. Kubriakova jubilee), Moscow (RAS), 1997, p. 65-68.
- AFA US M., PANASENKO N.I., US K. The Phonetic Parameters of a Personalized Tutor Adaptation Functional linguistics. Language. Culture. Society. II. Materials of conference, Yalta, 2000, p. 347-349.
- AFC PANASENKO N.I. Non-traditional medicine in medicinal plants’ names semantics(in Russian), in: Proceedings. UNESCO department. International Scientific Conference «At the Threshold of the Millennium: Through Language and Culture Studies to Peace, Harmony and Co-operation» [LINGUAPAX VIII.], Philology. Pedagogy. Psychology,Vol. 3A, Kyiv, 2000, p.62-66. ISBN 966-638-020-x
- AFA PANASENKO N.I. Means of medicinal plants’ designation in Romance, Germanic and Slavic languages (in Russian), in: Papers of International Scientific Conference «Diachronic, typological and contrastive Germanic, Romance and Slavic Languages Investigation«, Donetsk: Donetsk National University, 2001, p. 174-179.
- AFA PANASENKO N.I., DMYTRIYEV Ya.F. Stylistic peculiarities of vocabulary in the texts of facetious American songs (in Russian), in: Papers of the 5th Conference «New approaches to philology in Higher School», Nova philologiya, №2 (13), Zaporizhzhia: Zaporizhzhia StateUn-ty, 2002, p. 261-262.
- AFA PANASENKO N.I. Some aspects of using computer technologies in teaching stylistics in higher educational establishments (in Russian), in: Problems of general, Germanic, Romance and Slavic stylistics. Papers of 2nd International Scientific-Practical Conference. Vol. 1. Horlivka: Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute for Foreign Languages, 2005. p. 228-231. ISBN 966-8469-29-1
- AFA PANASENKO N.I. Image-making means of word building in facetious Russian and Ukrainian folk songs(in Russian), in: Papers of the IV International linguistic seminar “Comparative linguistics and typology in modern linguistic science: achievements and perspectives. June, 10-13 2005. Donetsk, Donetsk National University, 2005, p. 113-119.
- AFA PANASENKO N.I. Media education: a step towards a new paradigm in teaching or the spider’s web for students? In: Nové přístupyv projektové výucenavysokých školách 2005. Sbornik konferenčních příspevků. Zlín: Univerzita Tomáše Bati veZlíne. Fakulta multimediálnich komunikací, 2006. p. 60-67. ISBN 80-7318-368-4
- AFA PANASENKO N.I., KOZAKOVÁ V. Peculiarities of direct and secondary medicinal plants designation in kindred languages (in Russian), in:Papers of the V International linguistic seminar «Comparative linguistics and typology in modern linguistic science: achievements and perspectives». June, 8-11 2006. Donetsk, Donetsk National Un-ty, 2006, p. 106-116.
- AFA PANASENKO N.I. Computer support of the theoretical disciplines in the process of learning English, in: Information and Communication Technology in Education. Proceedings. Un-ty of Ostrava: Roznov pod Radhostem, 2006. p. 144-146. ISBN 80-7368-199-4.
- AFA PANASENKO N.I. Semantic space of a literary text (in Russian), in: Language and text semantics.Papers of IX international scientific practical conference. September 26-28, 2006. Ivano-Frankivsk: Publishing-design department CIT, 2006 p. 394-396.ISBN 966-640-176-2
- AFA PANASENKO N.I. Stylistic devices in creating traditional and individual seasons of the year images in Russian poetry of XIX—XXcent. (in Russian), in: The world of Russian word and Russian word in the world. Vol. 7. Papersofthe 11th Congress of international association of teachers of the Russian language and literature. Varna. 17-23 September 2007, p. 399-406. ISBN 978-954-580-220-1
- AFA PANASENKO N.I., ZEMANOVÁ E. Lexico—semantic group “kitchen” in Czech, Russian and English (onomasiological approach), (in Russian), in: Papers of the VI International linguistic seminar “Comparative linguistics and typology in modern linguistic science: achievements and perspectives. June, 6-9 2007. Donetsk: Donetsk National Un-ty, 2007, p. 77-82.
- AFC PANASENKON.I., VLNKA J. Poetic text in the mirror of culturology (based on Russian and Slovak poetry of 19-20 cc.), (inRussian), in:Selected reports and papers of the international scientific—practicalconference «Russian as a factor of spirituality development in modern Ukraine»: Reports and scholarly papers. Luhansk: LPC «Gotika», 2008, p. 112-127.
- AFA PANASENKO N.I. Emotional-expressive features in the onomasiological structure of phytomyns (based on Germanic and Slavic languages) (in Russian), in: Actual problems of philology: linguistics, literary studies, methods of teaching philological disciplines: materials of all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference. May 27, 2009. Mariupol, 2009. P. 133-139. ISBN 966-604-044-1
- AFH PANASENKO N. Interrelations between Literary Time and Space in Prosaic Texts, available at: // Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World. International conference proceedings. April 22-23, 2009 / Milan Ferenčík, Juraj Horváth (eds.). Prešov: Institute of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Prešov; Slovak Association for the Study of English; Metodicko-pedagogické centrum, a. p. 69-82 ISBN 978-80-555-0025-6
- AFC PANASENKO N., MARSAL K. Semantic analysis of law terms in fiction, in:Actual problems of philology: linguistics, literary studies, methods of teaching philological disciplines: Scholarly papers / Ed.-in-chief Dr of pedagogy, prof. I.V. Sokolova. vol. I. Linguistics. Mariupol: Busines-tsil, 2010. p. 252-256.ISBN 966-604-044-1
- AFC PANASENKO N.I. Category of time in phytonymic vocabulary, in Russian, in: Papers of the ІХ International linguistic seminar «Comparative linguistics and typology in modern linguistic science: achievements and perspectives». June, 11-14, 2010. Donetsk-Melekine, Donetsk National Un-ty, 2010, p. 67-69.
- AFD PANASENKO N., BAATARKHUU N. Global text categories in poetic translation (culturological approach), in: Text, hypertext and context, communication and interpretation. Trnava: Univerzita Sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, 2010. p. 259-272. ISBN 978-80-8105-195-1
- AFC PANASENKO N.I. Cultural space of phytonyms in Germanic and Slavic languages, in Russian, in:Papers of the Х International linguistic seminar «Comparative linguistics and typology in modern linguistic science: achievements and perspectives». June, 12-14, 2011. Donetsk-Melekine, Donetsk National Un-ty, 2010, p. 90-93.
- AFC PANASENKO N. Cognitive analysis of phytonymic lexis, in: Russian language and literature as the basis of Russian school renaissance: collection of papers based on the materials of the 3d International on-line scientific-practical conference in 2 volumes. Lipetsk: Lipetsk State Pedagogical University, 2012. vol. 2. p. 36-44. ISBN 978-5-88526-571-3
- AFF PANASENKO N. Satiric world view in the facetious song text // The First Potcheptsovsky readings: Materials of International Scientific Conference, September, 25-27 2013. – Кiev: KNLU, 2013. – p. 72-74.
- AFC PANASENKO, N., TRNKA A., PETRANOVÁ D., MAGÁL S. Bilingual analysis of LOVE and HATRED emotional markers (SPSS-based approach) // Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Sentiment Analysis where AI meets Psychology (SAAIP 2013), IJCNLP 2013, Nagoya, Japan, October 14, 2013. – p. 15–23. ISBN 978-4-9907348-2-4
- AFC PANASENKO N. Cognitive aspect of language functioning, in: Modern philology in the international language and culture space. Materials of the 3d international scientific-practical Internet-conference (Astrakhan, Astrakhan State University, 26 February – 26 April, 2013). Astrakhan, 2013. – p. 18-21. ISBN 978-5-9902771-2-0
- BFC PANASENKO N., PETRANOVÁ D., MAGÁL S. Cognitive Linguistics and Didactics: New Models of Teaching // The Magic of Innovation: New Techniques and Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages: materials of scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Faculty of Foreign Relations (Moscow, October, 4-5, 2013). Vol. 2 / Editor-in-chief D.A. Kriachkov. – Moscow State Institute of Foreign Relations (MGIMO University): 2013. – p. 9-14. ISBN 978-5-9228-1050-0 (v. 2) ISBN 978-5-9228-1042-5.
- AFC PANASENKO N., MAGÁL S., MAZÁKOVÁ S. Creative Approach to Teaching English as a Foreign Language // Creative Education. Proceedings of 20l5 2nd International Conference on Creative Education (ICCE 2015) June 27-28, 2015. London, UK. Bin Zhang (ed.). – Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute, 2015. – p. 48-53. ISBN 978-981-09-4799-6
- BEE PANASENKO N. Literary text in the language classroom Moscow // The Magic of Innovation: New Techniques and Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages: materials of the 2nd scientific-practical conference (Moscow, April, 24-25, 2015). Vol. 2 / Editor-in-chief D.A. Kriachkov. – Moscow State Institute of Foreign Relations (MGIMO University): 2015. – p. 179-186. ISBN 978-5-9228-1398-3 (v. 2) ISBN 978-5-9228-1399-0.
- AFC Panasenko N. Olfactory information processing channel in medicinal plants’ names (based on Germanic and Western Slavic languages) // International Scientific and Practical Conference «WORLD SCIENCE». – № 4(4), Vol. 3, December 2015. Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference «Science and Education – Our Future (November 22-23, 2015, Ajman, UAE)». – p. 34-42. ISSN 2413-1032
- AFC Panasenko N. Predicates in medicinal plants’ names // International Scientific and Practical Conference “WORLD SCIENCE” (The goals of the World Science 2016 (January 27 – 28, 2015, Dubai, UAE)»). – 2016. – 2(6), Vol.1. – p. 32-37. ISSN 2413-1032
- AFC PANASENKO N., DMYTRIYEV Ya. Frame analysis of American facetious songs // Science and Education a New Dimension. Philology, IV(19), Issue: 84, 2016. Budapest. – p. 35-40. p-ISSN 2308-5258 e-ISSN 2308-1996
- AFD Panasenko N. Functional-semantic types of speech in journalistic messages // Megatrends and Media: Critique in Media, Critique of Media: Conference Proceedings from International Scientific Conference 19th – 20th April 2016 Congress Hall of the Slovak Academy of Science Smolenice, Slovak Republic / editors: Dana Petranová, Slavomír Magál. – 1. vyd. – Trnava: Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2016. – p. 52-67. ISBN 978-80-8105-796-0 ISSN 2453-6474
- AFA Panasenko Types of plot development in sudden fiction // The Magic of Innovation: New dimensions in linguistics and linguo-didactics: a collection of research papers. In 2 vol. Vol. 1. Editor-in-chief D.A. Kriachkov. – Moscow: Moscow State Institute of Foreign Relations (MGIMO University), 2017. – p. 107-114. ISBN 978-5-9228-1768-4 (vol. 1) ISBN 978-5-9228-1766-0
- AFA Panasenko, N.I. Petranova D., Magal Phytonymic lexicon in the cultural reflection // Ethnos and linguoculture: collection of articles. Iss. 15. М.V. Pimenova (ed.). – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State Economic University, 2018. – p. 26-36. (Series «Conceptual and lingual worlds»).
AFD Panasenko N., Mudrochová R. Advertisement text as semiotic construal. In: Megatrends and media 2021: Home officetainment. Conference Proceedings from the International Scientific Conference held online on the 21st of April 2021, p. 421-438. ISBN 978-80-572-0183-0
- AFC Panasenko, N. Different ways to represent world knowledge. In: Cukurova 9th International Scientific Researches Conference. October 9-11, 2022, Adana, Turkey, p. 1716-1726. ISBN 978-625-8246-28-5
- Panasenko, N. Evolution of transport means reflected in American history and song culture. In 7th Asia Pacific International Modern Sciences Congress Conference Materials. Firdaus, A., Saksana, J.C. & Khadhraoui Ontunc, S. (eds.). November 4-5, 2022. Jakarta, Indonesia, p. 718-732. ISBN 978-625-8246-59-9
- Panasenko, N. Syrian civil war as hard news in media space. In: Marketing Identity. Metaverse is the new Universe: Conference Proceedings from the International Scientific Conference. Conference Proceedings from the International Scientific Conference. Prostináková Hossová, M., Graca, M. & Solík, M. (eds). Trnava: FMK, 2022, p. 279-289 ISBN 978-80-572-0297-4 (online). ISSN 2729-7527 (online).
- Panasenko, N. Metaphoric designations from onomasiological perspective. In International Paris conference on social sciences – IX. Paris, August 25-27, 2023, p. 92-112. ISBN 978-625-367-276-8
E. Abstracts:
- AFG PANASENKO N.I. Systematization of use of adjectives «big» and «small» in anatomic terminology (in Russian), in: Abstracts of All-Union conference on medical terminology systematization, Moscow, 1989, p.211-213.
- AFG PANASENKO N.I. Onomasiological approach to medicinal plants names in Romance, Germanic and Slavonic languages (in Russian), in: Abstracts of all-Union linguistic typology conference, Moscow, 1990, p. 128-130.
- AFG PANASENKO N.I. Structural peculiarities of phytonymic terms (in Russian), in: Terminological readings, (Cycle 2), Kiev: Kiev State University, 1991, p. 18-19.
- AFG PANASENKO N.I. Contrastive linguistics across cultural traditions Abstracts of the Conference «New departures in contrastive linguistics«, Innsbruck, 1991, p. 95.
- AFG PANASENKO N.I. Advanced teaching intonation methods in the conditions of the «Uniton» complex (in Ukrainian), in: Abstracts of jubilee scientific-practical conference, Cherkasy (Cherkasy State Pedagogical Institute), 1991, p. 100-101.
- AFG PANASENKO N.I.Cultural aspect of phytonyms(in Russian), in: Abstracts of scientific conference «Philosophy. Language. Culture», Minsk, 1991, p. 28-29.
- AFG PANASENKO N.I. Experiment of zoosemisms contrastive analysis (in Russian), in: Abstracts of the Conference «Semantics. Typology. Sociolinguistics», Moscow, 1991, p. 23-24.
- AFE PANASENKO N.I. Cognitive analysis of phytonyms in Romance and Germanic languages (in Russian), in: Abstracts of international conference «Methods of Romance and Germanic languages investigations», Yaroslavl, 1992, p. 140-141.
- AFE PANASENKO N.I. Concept of ceremony in the semantics of phytonyms (in Russian), in: Abstracts of the 2nd international conference «Language and culture», Kiev, 1993, p. 82-83.
- AFE PANASENKO N.I Functional and semantic fields of temporality and aspectuality of Slavonic and Germanic phytonyms (in Ukrainian), in: Abstracts of All-Ukrainian conference «Functional semantics of Slavonic and Germanic languages», Zhitomir, 1995, p. 133.
- AFE PANASENKO N.I. Stages of a human cognitive activity in the semantics of phytonyms (in Russian), in: Abstracts of International Conference «Word, image and text semantics». Severodvinsk, 1995, p. 40-41.
- AFE PANASENKO N.I. Functional-semantic field of color in German and Russian phytonyms. (in Russian), in: Abstracts of scientific workshop on modern semiotics problems «Sign. Symbol. Image», Vol.1, Cherkasy: Cherkasy State University, 1996, p. 17.
- AFE PANASENKO N.I.Reflection in phytonyms’ paradigm. (in Russian), in: Abstracts of V Tver’ International conference «Understanding and reflection in communication, culture and education», Tver’: Tver’ Agricultural Academy, 1996, p. 20.
- AFE PANASENKO N.I. Human activities and the process of categorization in phytonyms’ semantics (in Russian), in: Abstracts of the 2nd international symposium «A Man: Language. Cognition. Communication», Kryvyj Rig, 1997, p. 135-137.
- AFE PANASENKO N.I. Theological concepts in phytonyms’ semantics (in Russian), in: Abstracts of scientific workshop on modern semiotics problems «Sign. Symbol. Image», vol. 2. Cherkasy: Cherkasy State University, 1997, p. 26.
- AFE PANASENKO N.I. Rhythmic peculiarities of an American folk song (in Ukrainian) in: Abstracts of All-Ukrainian scientific linguistic conference «Problems of modern British and American philology. Linguistic and literary aspects, Cherkasy: Cherkasy Technological Institute, 1998, p. 59.
- AFE PANASENKO N.I. Rhythmic peculiarities of an American folk song (in English) in: Abstracts of All-Ukrainian scientific linguistic conference «Problems of modern British and American philology. Linguistic and literary aspects, Cherkasy: Cherkasy Technological Institute, 1998, p. 60.
- AFE PANASENKO N.I. Conceptual approach to onomasiological models, in: Abstracts of International Conference and Summer School «Cognitive/ Communicative Aspects of English, Cherkasy: Cherkasy State Un-ty, 1999, p. 26-28.
- AFE PANASENKO N.I. Functional-semantic types of speech in American popular songs (in Ukrainian), in: Abstracts of All-Ukrainian scientific linguistic conference «Problems of Modern World Literature and British and Linguistics», Cherkasy: Cherkasy Technological Institute, 2001, p. 108-109.
- AFE PANASENKO N.I. American history and culture in the reflection of the popular and traditional song, in: Abstracts of the Tenth Nordic Conference for English Studies. Un-ty of Bergen, Norway. May 24-26, 2007, p. 12.
- AFH PANASENKO N.I. Do you sing English? (Singing songs with ESL learners) // The Selection of Research Papers. Issue 6. Horlivka-Trnava, Horlivka State pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, The University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2008. p. 42-46. ISSN 1992-920-X
- AFG PANASENKO N. Concept LOVE from syntactic point of view (linguo-cultural approach to modern Czech and Slovak prose), in: Meaning, Context and Cognition 24-26 March 2011. Book of Abstracts, ed. by I. Witczak-Plisiecka and M. Deckert. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2011. p. 82. ISBN 978-83-7525-535-5
- AFG PANASENKO N. Stages of a man’s cognitive activity in phytonymic lexicon, in: Conference programme and abstracts of the international conference «ICLC 11: Language, Cognition, Context». July 11-17, 2011, Xi’an, China. p. 139.
- GHG PANASENKO N. Primary and secondary designation in Slavonic phytonymic lexicon. BASEES Annual Conference 31 March – 2 April 2012. Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge UK. Available at:
- AFH PANASENKO N. Tactile information-processing channel in the Slavic medicinal plants’ names, in: Abstracts of the International conference «Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World II», October 4-5, 2012. Institute of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Prešov. p. 13.
- GII PANASENKO N., PRAVDOVÁ H. Designation of poisonous medicinal plants in Germanic, Romance and Slavic languages (frame analysis) // Abstracts of the International conference CSDL (Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language) 2014, Santa-Barbara USA. November 4-6, 2014. – p. 23.
- GHG Panasenko N., Pravdová H. Olfactory information-processing channel in phytonymic lexicon (based on Western Slavic languages) // The 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-13), 20-25 July 2015, Northumbria University, Newcastle. Book of Abstracts: general Session. Part 2. Authors M-Z. p. 37. Available at:
- GII PANASENKO N. Cognitive interpretation of some onomasiological bases, in: Book of abstracts of the 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-14) Linguistic diversity and cognitive linguistics. Tartu, 10-14 July 2017. Tartu: University of Tartu, 2017. p. 418.
F. Published reviews
- EDI SELIVANOVA O.O., PANASENKO N.I. Review on the manual for the students of the philological specialties «Text interpretation» by V.A. Kukharenko. Odessa: Latstar, 2002. 292p. in: Novaphilologiya, №2 (17), Zaporizhzhia, Zaporizhzhia State Un-ty, 2003, p. 309-311.
- EDI PANASENKO N. Review on the monograph by O.O. Zhykhareva «Ecopoetics of the English biblical discourse: concepts, images, narrations» Рецензія на монографію О.О. Жихарєвої «Екопоетика англомовного біблійного дискурсу: концепти, образи, нарації». // Pivdenniy arkhiv. (Collected papers on Philology). Kherson: Kherson state university, 2018. Iss. LXXV. – p. 144-145.
G. Scripts
- BCI PANASENKO N.I., SAMOFALOVA N.G., GRITSENKO Ye.I. Phonetic sketches. Part 2. Intonation. Cherkasy: Cherkasy State Pedagogical Institute, 1991, 54 p.
I. Other publications
1. GII PANASENKO N.I. Prosodic organization of the monologue-meditation (in Russian), in: Methodical recommendations for learning structure, semantics and language functions in philological courses, Kiev: Kiev State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, 1982, p. 17-20.
- GII PANASENKO N.I. Prosodic means of expressing some modal meanings in prosaic, poetic and musical monological meditations (in Russian), Kiev, 1982. Deposit manuscript in Moscow (INION), 24.01.1983, № 12144. Bibliographical data – New Soviet literature in public sciences. «Linguistics», 1983, № 7. 32 p.
- GII PANASENKO N.I. Intonational means of expressing subjective modality in the monological meditation (in Russian), Ph.D. synopses for thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences. Kiev: Kiev State University, 1985, 24 p.
- GII PANASENKO N.I. Subjective and objective modality (in Russian), Deposit manuscript in Moscow (INION), № 36946, Moscow, INION, 1989, 8 p.
- GII PANASENKO N.I., SERKUTINA, M.A. Patriotic education of students at the practical Latin periods. (in Russian), Deposit manuscript in Moscow (INION), №839-89, Moscow: Institute of Higher Education Problems, 1989, 8 p.
- GII PANASENKO N.I. Cognitive and onomasiological research of lexicon (contrastive analysis of medicinal plant’s names) (in Russian), synopses for thesis for the degree of Doctor of Sciences, Moscow: Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000, 49 p.
- GII PANASENKO N. And the ship sails on… (in Russian), in: Oguy Olexandr Dmytrovych: He was the Light himself and to the Light he has left: monography (with bio-bibliography) / Compiler O.Ya. Ivasyuk. – Chernivtsi: Chertivetsky National University, 2017. – 360-362. ISBN 978-966-423-396-2